Jhesu, since thou me made and bought, Be Thou my love and all my thought, And help that I may to Thee be brought; Withouten thee I may do nought. Jhesu, since thou must do thy will, And naething is that thee may let;* With thy grace my heart fulfill, My love and my liking […]
Category for all posts other than Family History, Food, Music, and Spirituality.
Ascension – an update

Today’s the 26th of May, but I would rather go with the liturgical calendar, which makes it Ascension Day. I decided to update this post, which I wrote two years ago. That was in May 2020, when COVID was relatively new to all of us, and I spent a couple of paragraphs lamenting my own […]
December 2019

For years now, Peggy and I have made a retreat in December – for reflection, writing, and just being quiet. This year, with both of us retired now, we are spending twelve days at Sequim, Washington, on the northern coast of the Olympic Peninsula. Peggy has finished the first draft of a new play, and […]
London in Four Days

With a farewell dinner at the White Hart Hotel in Salisbury, on Sunday, August 25, 2019, the Compline Choir’s England Pilgrimage to Canterbury and Salisbury came to a close. The next morning, I got up early to say goodbye to most of the members of the choir, who sleepily boarded the bus to Heathrow at […]
The Detention Lottery

My wife, Margaret O’Donnell, is an immigration attorney here in Seattle, but she has been writing plays for the last few years, and is in transition toward that time when most of her focus will be writing. Her latest production is called The Detention Lottery, and has just achieved national recognition through an article by Kate […]